
Navio Sophie

Por: Ipuran - em 23/05/2004

Year 1850 Captain T. V. Lesen from Levanger to Rio de Janeiro

We do not claim this information listed here as to be the complete history of the ship. The information has be collected from a multitude of sources, and among them also secondary sources. New information will be added frequently.

In 1850 the ship Sophie departed from Trondheim c. 25th October with 106 passengers headed for the gold-fields in California. The ship had been bought in partnership by the emigrants from owners in Hamburg. The intention was to sail for San Francisco, but the ship never reached that destination. At Christmas the ship was off Madeira, and they all had "julegråt" (Christmas-porridge). On January 20th they reached Rio de Janeiro, where they were going to get fresh provisions. The situation was to become quite difficult for the passengers, as the Captain refused to continue the voyage. He claimed the ship was not fitted to proceed, and had it inspected. The result was that the ship was condemned, and had to bed sold. The price they could get for the ship was not much, much lower than what they had paid. The lengthy stay in Rio, and the loss of the ship and invested capital was devastating.
A land-company in Brazil, Schrøder &Co. gave them an offer to become colonists in Brazil, and 74 of the emigrants accepted the offer. They took land in the province of Santa Catharina. By 1854 only a small part of the colonists were still living in Santa Catharina, a minister visiting in 1854 mentioned only 9 colonists by name. There were quite many deaths among the colonists, and a number of them had died from typhoid fever and dysentery. The unhealthy weather and the hardships had made driven most of the colonists to abandon the colony.
Those of the passengers on the Sophie who had not become colonists, had either returned to Norway, or managed to get to California on their own.

If you have additional information please make contact.

  • Genealogia de Olé Jensen Delet (pai de Gjert Olsen)


  • Genealogia de Olé Jensen Delet (pai de Gjert Olsen) de autoria de

  • Navio Sophie


  • Sobre o Navio que Gjert veio para o Brasil (Ingles)

  • Historia da Viagem de Gjert


  • Relato da organizacao da viagem e motivos (Ingles)

  • Um emigrante norueguês em 1850. J.G.Ryther


  • Aqui você vai encontrar a narração da história de um dos companheiros de Gjert Olsen na viagem do navio SOPHIE e em sua estadia na Colônia D. Francisca, hoje Joinville, para onde nosso patriarca acabou vindo e ficando, ...por força do destino!

  • Relato de Tia Geralda, em uma carta, s/ a família :

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  • (Anotações do tio Chico):

  • Aqui podem ser lidas as anotações feitas por Francisco Bernardo Olsen, neto do Gjert Olsen, e filho mais moço de Adolfo Olsen, sobre suas lembranças da história da família.

  • Artigo no jornal "TRONDERBLADET.

  • Nesta reportagem de capa do jornal "TRONDERBLADET" publicada em 16 de agosto de 1997 em Lordag, Noruega, pode-se ter conhecimento de como ocorreu a visita de Yapurê Olsen (tataraneto de Gjert Olsen) à cidade de Storen, em busca de suas origens.

  • Do livro "Personalidades e a vida em Storen.

  • Alguns trechos do livro "Personalidades e a vida em Storen - Fazendas e região", onde aparecem interessantes informações sobre Gjert Olsen e sua primeira esposa , Maren.